A-Level Chemistry: Top Tips for Delivering Subject Content

Wendy Pearmain
Experienced chemistry and physics teacher


54 min

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This webinar will offer practical tips and tools for teachers to integrate into their classroom practice to improve academic outcomes for students in relation to A Level Chemistry. The expert will showcase practices and pedagogies for helping learners to understand frequently challenging aspects of the curriculum, as well as elements which are core to the syllabus.
CPD Certified
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For: Teachers 

Aim: This webinar will offer practical tips and tools for teachers to integrate into their classroom practice to improve academic outcomes for students in relation to A Level Chemistry. The expert will showcase practices and pedagogies for helping learners to understand frequently challenging aspects of the curriculum, as well as elements which are core to the syllabus. 

Why this webinar’s important: Key Stage 5 offers students the chance to go into greater detail in chosen subjects – and, as they hone their focus, there’s an opportunity to develop not only exam readiness but their passion and skill, through engaging chemistry lessons. This webinar is part of a series offering expert guidance on teaching A Level subjects: it will offer innovative ways to teach elements of the chemistry curriculum to aid knowledge acquisition and retention with exams in mind, as well as increasing student engagement with the subject.

Outcome 1:

Accumulating strategies for effectively teaching energetics calculations to A level students

Outcome 2:

Increasing your awareness of how to ‘troubleshoot’ and support students who may be struggling with the energetic topics and the calculations

Outcome 3:

Understanding more fully how to communicate the connections between theoretical calculations and experimental evidence in the study of energetics

Outcome 4:

Considering methods for assessing students’ prior knowledge of the subject and developing their experimental skills

Outcome 5:

Exploring approaches to teaching about enthalpy – of combustion, neutralisation and reaction, examining displacement reactions in particular

Wendy Pearmain

With over 15 years of chemistry and physics teaching experience, Wendy has held numerous positions of seniority including assistant principal i/c of staff development, ECT induction tutor, ITT and OTT mentor, director of STEM and head of science. 

Outside of the classroom, Wendy has engaged in overseas work specifically related to teacher training courses, held committee positions as Chair of the 11-19 Committee for the Association for Science Education, and Founding Trustee, and Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching. She is passionate about peer professional development through coaching and mentoring.