Secondary Science: Ofsted’s Subject Report on the Quality of Education

Image of Dr Katy Bloom
Dr Katy Bloom Senior lecturer and school learning and teaching lead
Webinar 57min

This webinar will provide you with expert insight into Ofsted’s science subject report, which identifies factors which contribute to “the most favourable, or ‘optimum’, conditions for learning science”, based on findings from routine inspections of science in schools in England. It builds on and complements our webinar on Ofsted’s Research review series: science.

CPD Certified

For: Headteachers, senior leaders, science leads, teachers and teaching assistants 

Aim: This webinar will provide you with expert insight into Ofsted’s science subject report, which identifies factors which contribute to “the most favourable, or ‘optimum’, conditions for learning science”, based on findings from routine inspections of science in schools in England. It builds on and complements our webinar on Ofsted’s Research review series: science

Rationale: On 2 February 2023, the DfE published ‘Finding the optimum: the science subject report’, which evaluates common strengths and weaknesses in science provision, and makes recommendations “to ensure that all pupils leave school with an authentic understanding of science, as both a tradition of enquiry and a set of connected but distinct ideas that explain the world we live in.”