Annual Certificate in Child Protection and Safeguarding: Music (2023-24) (2023-2024)

Image of Lorna Ponambalum
Lorna Ponambalum Senior leader and safeguarding consultant
Course 1hr 52min 12 modules

This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand your child protection and safeguarding duties if working in a music education setting.

CPD Certified

All staff, including private tutors, visiting music teachers, and music education professionals, must understand and comply with child protection and safeguarding measures. Following good safeguarding practices in music lessons, online or face to face, creates a safe and secure environment for children and young people to learn in.

Developed by Lorna Ponambalum, an independent safeguarding and inclusion consultant, this course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand your child protection and safeguarding duties if working in a music education setting.

Please note: The course consists of learning through video, task completion, and further reading/research. Please consider this when planning and allocating your time. To successfully understand and achieve the objectives of the course, learners are expected to engage in all aspects of the learning process and complete all relevant activities to ensure they can successfully apply the knowledge and skills they have gained in their own settings.

All schools should continue to adhere to the current ‘Keeping children safe in education’ guidance until 1 September 2023.

Designed in line with the following: 

  • Keeping children safe in education
  • Working together to safeguard children 
  • What to do if you are worried a child is being abused 
  • Guidance from The Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) 

Important note for non-UK learners: Although this course reflects best practice principles and might be useful for learners outside the UK, please note that it is based solely on UK guidance and legislation. Please make sure you also adhere to relevant legislation applicable in your own country.

Please note that this course explores sensitive topics that some viewers may find distressing.