Teaching Critical Literacy Skills to Combat Harmful Content Online | Primary

Image of Elizabeth Kitto
Elizabeth Kitto Equality, diversity and inclusion specialist
Webinar 59min

This webinar will provide school leaders, teachers and support staff with practical guidance and advice on how they can support pupils to develop critical literacy skills and equip them with the ability to build their digital resilience against harmful content online

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide school leaders, teachers and support staff with practical guidance and advice on how they can support pupils to develop critical literacy skills and equip them with the ability to build their digital resilience against harmful content online.

Teaching critical literacy is an essential part of any pupil’s development. As their exposure to online content increases as they get older, the ability to analyse information, find trusted sources and create informed opinions are qualities that children must possess to ensure they can recognise potentially harmful content such as fake news, discrimination or hidden bias.

In this webinar, Elizabeth Kitto, former teacher, Prevent lead and UK government advisor, explores what is meant by critical literacy in an education context, why it’s important that teachers are critically literate and how they can support pupils to develop these skills in the classroom.