10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Promoting Oral Health in Early Years

Image of Louise Mercieca
Louise Mercieca Nutritional therapist

This free guide has expert suggestions on how EYFS practitioners and parents can help young children to understand the importance of oral health.

Oral health encompasses so much more than simply dental hygiene. Yes, brushing our teeth is profoundly important, of course – but so are building (and maintaining) the overall strength of our teeth, looking after our gums and preventing possible infections in the mouth. Early childhood is an ideal time to lay down these future oral health foundations.

This guide can help parents and practitioners introduce the key concepts of oral health to young children. Among other things, it explains how nutrition impacts on oral health; what foods are especially important in helping to build and protect teeth; which key nutrients support the health of our gums; and exactly why too much sugar is bad for our mouths.