The Benefits of Using Signing to Support Children’s Development | Nurseries

Webinar 1hr 4min

This webinar will explain how you can successfully implement signing in your nursery setting. It will explore the benefits of signing in developing early speech, language and communication for all children, not just those with additional needs.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, practitioners

Aim: This webinar will explain how you can successfully implement signing in your nursery setting. It will explore the benefits of signing in developing early speech, language and communication for all children, not just those with additional needs.

Rationale: The ‘SEND code of practice 2015’ highlights that all children are entitled to an education that helps them become “confident young children with a growing ability to communicate their own views”. Signing enhances inclusion, enriches the curriculum, facilitates interaction between peers and with staff, and offers a valuable way to support the development of all young learners.