Phonics Screening Check 2023: Plan and Deliver in Line with Statutory Duties

Image of Leanne Galloway
Leanne Galloway Early years specialist
Webinar 48min

This webinar will provide you with practical advice and guidance on planning for, administering and reporting on the 2023 phonics screening check in line with statutory requirements.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, teachers 

Aim: This webinar will provide you with practical advice and guidance on planning for, administering and reporting on the 2023 phonics screening check in line with statutory requirements. 

Rationale: On 20 March 2023, The Standards and Testing Agency published its updated ‘Phonics screening check: administration guidance for 2023’, which expands on section 8 of the 2023 ‘Key stage 1 (KS1) assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA)’. The document helps to ensure schools understand their statutory responsibilities and ensure compliance with important dates, including administering the check during the week beginning Monday 12 June.