How ISI Will Inspect Online Safety against KCSIE 2023 | Independent Preparatory Schools

Image of Ben Beer
Ben Beer Education consultant and Director at The Safeguarding Group
Webinar 1hr 11min

The webinar will provide an overview of what the ISI will be checking for when inspecting the online safety provision in your school, in line with KCSIE 2023 and the ISI Inspection Framework. It also includes a tool to carry out your own audit of your provision against statutory requirements.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, governors, trustees

Aim: The webinar will provide an overview of what the ISI will be checking for when inspecting the online safety provision in your school, in line with KCSIE 2023 and the ISI Inspection Framework. It also includes a tool to carry out your own audit of your provision against statutory requirements.

Rationale: All schools have a duty of care to safeguarding children both online and offline. Online safeguarding is rightly now a key focus of inspections: if not at a sufficient level and in line with the most recent guidance, it can mean pupils are at risk of harm. Indeed, the ISI Inspection Framework specifically notes: “Leadership must ensure that the school has effective arrangements, reviewed regularly, to ensure that pupils know how to stay safe while online.”