How an Integrated and Responsive RSHE Curriculum Should Look to Comply with the DfE Guidance for Full Schools’ Opening | Primary

Image of John Rees
John Rees National and international RSHE consultant and trainer
Webinar 1hr 4min

This webinar will provide school leaders, headteachers, PSHE/RSHE leads and teachers with practical support on developing their RSHE curriculum in line with DfE expectations for full school opening.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide school leaders, headteachers, PSHE/RSHE leads and teachers with practical support on developing their RSHE curriculum in line with DfE expectations for full school opening.

Despite the disruption caused by COVID-19, the DfE state that relationships and health education (RHE) in primary schools will still become compulsory from September 2020.

Whilst schools have a degree of flexibility in introducing the subjects, the DfE encourage a phased approach and all schools must have begun teaching from at least summer term 2021.

In this webinar, PSHE subject matter expert, John Rees, explores how primary schools can effectively develop and integrate a RSHE curriculum that is responsive, reflective of the current environment and will comply with statutory DfE requirements.