Guidance for Trust Leads: Meeting Your Statutory Safeguarding Duties

Image of Judith Tinsley
Judith Tinsley Educational safeguarding lead
Webinar 57min

This webinar will explore in detail the emerging and developing role of safeguarding leads within multi-academy trusts – discussing the part they have to play in helping trusts to understand the parameters for compliance with statutory safeguarding duties, and how to achieve them.

CPD Certified

For: Senior leaders, governors, trustees

Aim: This webinar will explore in detail the emerging and developing role of safeguarding leads within multi-academy trusts – discussing the part they have to play in helping trusts to understand the parameters for compliance with statutory safeguarding duties, and how to achieve them.

Rationale: The size of multi-academy trusts has been increasing over the last five years: a pattern that is set to not only continue but increase. As of early 2022, there were 2,539 trusts operating in England, made up of nearly 10,000 schools. With each group requiring a safeguarding director or lead, it is essential for trusts to explore what compliance and best practice look like – and ensure that those in post are fully equipped with the skills and knowledge to fulfil their role.