Social Emotional Learning: Best Evidence in Brief with the CRRE at Johns Hopkins University | November 2022

Image of Dr Amanda Neitzel
Dr Amanda Neitzel Deputy Director of Evidence at the Johns Hopkins University CRRE

This webinar has been developed in collaboration with the Centre for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) at Johns Hopkins University. It has been designed to support leaders, teachers and practitioners to keep up with the latest studies into evidence-led approaches to education from across the world.

Topic of interest: Social Emotional Learning 

This webinar has been developed in collaboration with the Centre for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) at Johns Hopkins University. It has been designed to support leaders, teachers and practitioners to keep up with the latest studies into evidence-led approaches to education from across the world. Dr Amanda Neitzel, Deputy Director of Evidence Research at the CRRE says: 

“Best Evidence in Brief (BEiB) Live is a webcast that consists of summary articles describing individual studies, research reviews, and policy developments in the evidence movement in education. During our ten years producing the BEiB newsletter, we have seen evidence-based decision-making in education grow at national and international levels. We are proud that BEiB has been a part of that advocacy, and hope the information you learn here helps you help your students.” 

In the webinar you will hear from Dr Amanda Neitzel, as well as a number of fellow researchers, presenting new findings in educational research around school and college readiness. 

 Research covered 

  1. Embodied and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) in Early Childhood: Situating Culturally Relevant SEL in Asian, African, and North American Contexts 
  2. An empirical basis for linking social and emotional learning to academic performance 
  3. Two-year impacts of a universal school-based social-emotional and literacy intervention: an experiment in translational developmental research 
  4. Long-Term Effects of Social–Emotional Learning on Receipt of Special Education and Grade Retention: Evidence From a Randomized Trial of INSIGHTS 
  5. Investigating strategies to increase general education teachers' adherence to evidence-based social-emotional behavior practices: A meta-analysis of the single-case literature 

A full list of all BEiB research can be found here