Affluent Neglect: Fulfilling Your Statutory Safeguarding Duties

Image of Ben Beer
Ben Beer Education consultant and Director at The Safeguarding Group
Webinar 55min

This webinar addresses affluent neglect as a safeguarding issue, considering its prevalence and potential impact. Exploring who might be most vulnerable, it will offer expert guidance on indicators of affluent neglect in children and young people, highlighting safeguarding measures that need to be in place.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, teachers, teaching assistants, governors, trustees 

Aim: This webinar addresses affluent neglect as a safeguarding issue, considering its prevalence and potential impact. Exploring who might be most vulnerable, it will offer expert guidance on indicators of affluent neglect in children and young people, highlighting safeguarding measures that need to be in place. 

Rationale: Affluent neglect is often a more difficult form of neglect to spot, and it can be even harder to evidence – but it unquestionably takes place (as highlighted by a ground-breaking 2018 academic study into this under-investigated area of safeguarding). As outlined in KCSIE, it is essential that anyone working with children has the appropriate knowledge and skills to be able to recognise and respond to such incidents: protecting every child, regardless of background.