Image of Learning at Work Week 2023

Learning at Work Week 2023

What is learning at work week 2023?

Learning at work week 2023 is, according to the official site, a ‘unique annual event’ which aims to build work cultures which are focussed on the benefits of providing staff with opportunities to access continual learning development. The week is designed with every business in mind, meaning that no matter how big or small an organisation is, there are great ways that they can get involved and start their own journey towards a CPD-centric culture of growth.

The event this year will take place between May 15 and May 21, with the theme being ‘create the future’. This theme looks to highlight the life-long benefits of learning at work for individuals and groups. Not only will access to good, trusted CPD resources impact the wellbeing and prospects of staff, but it may also impact the wider community through increased levels of innovation.

Learning at work week 2023 is led by campaign for learning, an organisation committed to educating people on the benefits of lifelong learning, and providing opportunities and activities for people to access resources.

How can I get involved with learning at work week 2023?

There is no prescriptive way in which to get involved with learning at work week 2023, and companies, businesses and organisations may like to celebrate the week differently depending on their size. However, those taking part are encouraged to ensure that all learning is strategic, inclusive, valued and engaging, in line with the values of the week.

Ways in which businesses have previously engaged with the event are varied, ranging from interest-led activities that relate to extra-curricular hobbies enjoyed by members of staff, to awards evenings which celebrate progression.

If you’re looking for inspiration for events and activities you might like to initiate at your workplace in support of learning at work week 2023, this list features some of the plans of companies around the country. Meanwhile guides for managers on leading on learning, and a handbook for employees looking to become better learners are available here.

How can CPD help educators?

The education landscape is constantly evolving and changing, and with it, the statutory requirements of leaders, teachers and assistants. However, though achieving compliance with government requirements and Ofsted expectations is of course vitally important, this isn’t the only reason for ensuring that your staff have access to high quality, expert led CPD resources.

Indeed, by demonstrating a continued commitment to investing in staff with a comprehensive programme of CPD training and webinars, senior leaders in education settings are able to show the value they place on their staff. Access to CPD can help teachers feel more motivated and confident in their roles and increase their sense of job satisfaction and general wellbeing.

Moreover, employers who are able to instil a culture of growth in their teaching staff are a more attractive proposition to prospective employees. These reasons, combined with the enhanced confidence and skills of teachers in improving outcomes for pupils, highlight the importance of schools finding, and making the most of, a trusted CPD provider.

What should quality CPD for teachers look like?

On 10 May 2023, Ofsted published the first phase findings of their independent review of teachers’ professional development in schools. The report focuses on teachers’ and leaders’ experiences of training and development following the covid pandemic, what their expectations are and what impact any professional development they’ve received has had.

Our webinar titled ‘Expert Insight into Ofsted Research on Teachers’ Professional Development’, will provide you with an insight into Ofsted’s findings on the experiences of teachers and the training and development they have engaged in since April 2021, including the main obstacles they’ve faced and what high-quality teacher professional development should look like.

The webinar is presented by Matt Bromley, an education writer and advisor with over twenty years’ experience in teaching and leadership, including as a secondary school headteacher and principal, FE college vice principal, and MAT director.

How can CPD-inspired confidence help in the classroom?

One of the greatest assets of continuing professional and personal development is the fact that it can improve the confidence of those who undertake it. Understandably, this can improve outcomes for teachers, assistants and their pupils.

Indeed, The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) reports that, when teaching assistants work in structured settings with high-quality support and training, their targeted one-to-one or small-group interventions show ‘a consistent impact on attainment of approximately three to four additional months’ progress’.

How can CPD help teaching assistants?

One of the greatest assets of continuing professional and personal development is the fact that it can improve the confidence of those who undertake it. Understandably, this can improve outcomes for teachers, assistants and their pupils.

Indeed, The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) reports that, when teaching assistants work in structured settings with high-quality support and training, their targeted one-to-one or small-group interventions show ‘a consistent impact on attainment of approximately three to four additional months’ progress’.

With this in mind, we’ve developed a comprehensive range of webinars specifically for teaching assistants. From evidence-based approaches to enhancing TA skills, to specific guidance on how TAs can confidently support different subject areas, all of our CPD resources are designed and delivered by experts in the field to help drive up standards and improve pupil outcomes.