Looking After Your Wellbeing Online

Anna Bateman
Mental health expert and former DfE adviser

Parent Guide

15 min

Rated 5 stars


This free online safety guide has tips for looking after children’s wellbeing when they’re online – including going tech free before bed, avoiding comparisons with others and pausing before they post.

A free online safety guide on looking after your wellbeing online.

The online world and digital technology has become such a significant part of our lives – and integral to so many aspects of our daily routine – that we shouldn’t be surprised at the degree of influence it can wield over what we think and how we feel. Many experiences that young people have on the internet are hugely positive and uplifting … but sadly, that’s not always the case.

Negative incidents online – such as disagreements with other users, stumbling across upsetting content or feeling left out by friends – can be intensely damaging to a child’s emotional state. Our #WakeUpWednesday poster has some useful tips for young people and trusted adults on how even small, simple actions can help to protect our wellbeing when we’re on the internet.

Anna Bateman

With more than 24 years’ experience in education as a teacher, trainer, consultant and Interim Executive Board member, Anna Bateman has gained a fantastic understanding of pedagogy, school improvement, leadership and what works.

She is passionate about placing prevention at the heart of every school, integrating mental wellbeing within the curriculum, school culture and systems. Through this work, students have the opportunity to learn skills and techniques to cope with modern day pressures alongside their academic studies.

Over the last 10 years Anna has worked with and transformed hundreds of primary and secondary schools. She has excellent subject knowledge and a solid understanding of how schools work. This puts her in a unique position to be able to offer highly innovative and bespoke programmes to resolve specific and complex issues.

As a previous member of the advisory group for the Department of Education, advising them on their mental health green paper, Anna has operated at the forefront of new initiatives and her passion is to drive these forward to the benefit of schools, school leaders and of course pupils and students.

Moreover, she is an accredited facilitator for the Academic Resilience Approach (Young Minds), Youth Mental Health First Aid Trained as well as a licensed PATHS trainer promoting alternative thinking strategies.

This has been detailed and educative.
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It gives useful and helpful information for our daily lives
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It gives useful and helpful information for our daily lives
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