Jayne Bullough

Jayne is a qualified trainer and specialist front-line practitioner with over 10 years’ experience supporting survivors of sexual violence. Her areas of expertise include the development and delivery of sexual violence training and prevention, and providing consultation on best practice responses to sexual violence.
At Rape Crisis South London, also known as the Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (RASASC), Jayne has helped provide a range of specialist and confidential support for female survivors of sexual violence.
RASASC are a member centre of Rape Crisis England and Wales and provide the national Rape Crisis helpline for women and girls, aged 13 years and over, who have survived any form of sexual violence, at any point in their lives.
All RASASC’s training to adults and prevention programmes with children and young people are informed by decades of accumulative frontline expertise, which is rooted within a framework of violence against women and girls and RASASC’s best practice model of empowerment.