Emma Knight
Emma has worked with young people for all her adult life. Starting with peer support and mentoring throughout college and university alongside her role as a volunteer leader in a range of Girl guiding units, to becoming a qualified trainer and primary school teacher.
Her passion and enthusiasm for the outdoors grew from her childhood: with many positive memories of exploring the UK with her parents and grandparents. These then led to her volunteering and working as an outdoors education officer, enabling her to share her enthusiasm with others through outdoor education. Her knowledge and understanding continues to build whilst studying a Masters in Outdoor Education, enabling research to shape her thoughts.
Currently Emma works for RSPB England as one of their education, families and youth managers. This role allows her to support others to connect young people with nature and to encourage them to take action for nature. She also enjoys building conversations around special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), evaluation, and equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into her work.