Statutory RSHE Guidance Consultation: Understanding the Proposed Changes

Image of John Rees
John Rees National and international RSHE consultant and trainer
Webinar 1hr 7min

This webinar will provide expert insight into proposed updates to statutory guidance on teaching Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) in schools. It will explore the changes in approach to this potentially sensitive subject and how these suggested revisions might affect curriculum delivery in practical terms.

CPD Certified

For: Governors, Trustees, Leaders, Teachers, Teaching Assistants 

Aim: This webinar will provide expert insight into proposed updates to statutory guidance on teaching Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) in schools. It will explore the changes in approach to this potentially sensitive subject and how these suggested revisions might affect curriculum delivery in practical terms. 

Why this webinar’s important: On 16 May, the UK’s Department for Education opened a consultation period on updates to its statutory guidance relating to the teaching of RSHE. The subject has been undergoing an independent review since 2023. Relationships education is a crucial area for schools to deliver on – not least because it is, by definition, an emotive topic which often attracts particular scrutiny from parents and carers.