Guidance for Trustees & Leaders: Aligning Roles and Responsibilities to Deliver Your Strategic Vision

Image of Christine Bayliss
Christine Bayliss Education consultant in project management, governance and communications
Webinar 1hr 9min

This webinar will provide you with expert insight into the roles and responsibilities of trustees and executive leaders within an academy trust, and explain how they can work together to provide overarching leadership, deliver the trust’s vision, and implement its values. The webinar is ideal for trustees who are new to the role, and staff who are considering taking on new leadership positions.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, trustees

Aim: This webinar will provide you with expert insight into the roles and responsibilities of trustees and executive leaders within an academy trust, and explain how they can work together to provide overarching leadership, deliver the trust’s vision, and implement its values. The webinar is ideal for trustees who are new to the role, and staff who are considering taking on new leadership positions.

Why this webinar’s important: Whilst trustees and executive leaders perform distinct roles in an academy trust, they share the same charitable object, which is usually ‘to advance for the public benefit education in the UK’. Collaboration between roles on delivering strategy is enhanced where there is a culture of mutual support, and clarity of purpose and vision.