Ofsted Area SEND: Expert Insight into Inspection of Preparation for Adulthood Arrangements

Image of Emma Lloyd
Emma Lloyd Experienced SEND Leader and Specialist
Webinar 52min

This webinar will provide expert insight into the new guidance on how Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission will conduct thematic visits to local areas to look at preparation for adulthood arrangements, in respect of updates to the inspection framework made in January 2024.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, governors, trustees, teachers, practitioners

Aim: This webinar will provide expert insight into the new guidance on how Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission will conduct thematic visits to local areas to look at preparation for adulthood arrangements, in respect of updates to the inspection framework made in January 2024.

Why this webinar’s important: Having updated the area SEND framework and handbook for 2024, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission will also be visiting a number of areas to investigate an aspect of the SEND system in depth. They have now issued guidance on the next series of these thematic visits – namely, preparation for adulthood arrangements. This webinar explores the new guidance, offering further clarity around the purpose of these visits and what they will focus on.