The Natural World ELG: Enriching Provision to Meet Statutory Expectations

Image of Hannah Tombling
Hannah Tombling Eco Schools Leader at Diamond Wood Community Academy, science lead and nursery teacher
Webinar 49min

This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on providing opportunities for young children to connect with the natural world, enriching their early experiences, promoting physical and language development, and fostering a lifelong love of nature, in alignment with statutory guidance.

CPD Certified

For: Senior leaders, teachers, practitioners 

Aim: This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on providing opportunities for young children to connect with the natural world, enriching their early experiences, promoting physical and language development, and fostering a lifelong love of nature, in alignment with statutory guidance. 

Rationale: The EYFS statutory framework highlights the importance of allowing children to explore and understand the natural world around them, and establishes the natural world as an early learning goal (ELG). The non-statutory curriculum guidance, Development Matters, offers examples of how young children can be encouraged to use ‘all their senses in hands-on exploration of natural materials’.