Teaching Protected Characteristics: How to Meet Ofsted Expectations

Image of Adrian Guy
Adrian Guy Independent school improvement consultant
Webinar 57min

This webinar will explore why and how Ofsted gathers evidence in relation to teaching about protected characteristics, explain Ofsted's judgement criteria, and advise on how schools and colleges can implement learning in this area to meet curriculum expectations.

CPD Certified

For: Headteachers, senior leaders, curriculum leads and teachers

Aim: This webinar will explore why and how Ofsted gathers evidence in relation to teaching about protected characteristics, explain Ofsted's judgement criteria, and advise on how schools and colleges can implement learning in this area to meet curriculum expectations.

Rationale: On the 17th September, Ofsted published its guidance, ‘Inspecting teaching of the protected characteristics in schools’. Ofsted will gather evidence on how schools promote equality and diversity and assess pupils’ understanding of the protected characteristics, as defined under the Equality Act 2010. Where an inspection identifies that a school is not teaching about all the protected characteristics, it will always report on this. Schools which do not teach about LGBT relationships, for instance, could receive a 'requires improvement' judgement on leadership.