Teaching Online Safety to Children with SEND | Secondary

Image of Alistair Crawford
Alistair Crawford Deputy SEND Lead for Whole School SEND
Webinar 49min

This webinar will provide senior leaders, designated safeguarding leads, SENDCOs and teaching staff with innovative ways of embedding online safety across the curriculum, in a way that genuinely meets the needs of learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide senior leaders, designated safeguarding leads, SENDCOs and teaching staff with innovative ways of embedding online safety across the curriculum, in a way that genuinely meets the needs of learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Eight out of 10 SEND pupils sit in a mainstream classroom. While the DfE places an importance on safeguarding children with SEND from online risks, very little guidance exists on how to support and educate them through the curriculum. For SEND learners, the internet can – and should – be a gateway to new opportunities and friendships. Enabling that does not have to entail wholesale departures from your mainstream curriculum.

In this webinar, Alistair Crawford, Deputy SEND Lead for Whole School SEND (North & EMSYH) and specialist lead for Oak National Academy, suggests strategies for tailoring any lesson plan involving online safety to better suit children with SEND – and outlines how to make classrooms and learning materials accessible and inclusive for all pupils.