Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions: Best Practice | Independent Senior Schools

Image of Stephen Burnage
Stephen Burnage Expert practitioner, consultant and trainer
Webinar 52min

This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders and governors of independent senior schools with advice and practical guidance on drafting and implementing clear, consistent and fair policies and procedures regarding pupil suspensions and permanent exclusions.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders and governors of independent senior schools with advice and practical guidance on drafting and implementing clear, consistent and fair policies and procedures regarding pupil suspensions and permanent exclusions.

The right to suspend or exclude pupils in independent settings is derived from the contract between the school and the fee payer, and associated policies and procedures. The latter should clearly highlight grounds for exclusion, and any action taken must comply with the contract or it could leave schools open to legal action on the grounds of unlawful removal.

In this webinar, Stephen Burnage, teacher, educator and DfE subject learning coach with extensive management and teaching experience, will explore circumstances in which independent senior schools might suspend or permanently exclude pupils, explain how to draft clear policies, and identify best practice measures they should take when proceeding with a suspension or exclusion.