How to Support Students with Eco-Anxiety

Image of Helen Young
Helen Young Geography consultant for BBC and BBC Bitesize
Webinar 38min

This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on managing and reducing the impact of eco-anxiety on children and young people through a balanced and productive approach to climate change, which also equips pupils with knowledge and skills to negotiate the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead.

CPD Certified

For: Headteachers, senior leaders, teachers, practitioners and teaching assistants

Aim: This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on managing and reducing the impact of eco-anxiety on children and young people through a balanced and productive approach to climate change, which also equips pupils with knowledge and skills to negotiate the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead.

Rationale: The DfE’s Sustainability and climate change strategy underlines that, in order to help children and young people meet the ‘formidable’ challenge of climate change with determination rather than despair, they ‘need to know the truth about climate change – through knowledge-rich education’, and ‘must also be given the hope that they can be agents of change’.