An Expert Review of the DfE Statutory RSE Curriculum | Secondary

Image of Lucy Marcovitch
Lucy Marcovitch Writer and educator, former curriculum advisor
Webinar 1hr 27min

This webinar will provide school governors, senior leaders, headteachers, curriculum leads and teaching staff with practical advice and guidance on meeting their relationships, sex and health education curriculum statutory requirements.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide school governors, senior leaders, headteachers, curriculum leads and teaching staff with practical advice and guidance on meeting their relationships, sex and health education curriculum statutory requirements.

On the 24th September, the DfE released their ‘Plan your relationships, sex and health curriculum’ guidance to help schools plan, develop and implement the new statutory RSHE curriculum which became compulsory from 1st September.

Secondary schools are encouraged to begin teaching relationships and sex education and health education immediately if practicable, subject to any disruption caused by COVID-19. However, all schools must ensure they commence teaching no later than summer term 2021.

In this webinar, PSHE subject matter expert, Lucy Marcovitch will discuss what schools should consider as part of their curriculum planning, what topics they must cover and how to deliver age-appropriate lessons in line with DfE requirements.