Senior Mental Health Lead Training: Update for the 2023-24 Academic Year | Primary

Image of Anna Bateman
Anna Bateman Mental health expert and former DfE adviser
Webinar 57min

This webinar provides established senior mental health leads (specifically those who have completed their senior mental health lead training) with an annual review, including information on new or updated guidance, additional challenges they might face and support for the year ahead.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders

Aim: This webinar provides established senior mental health leads (specifically those who have completed their senior mental health lead training) with an annual review, including information on new or updated guidance, additional challenges they might face and support for the year ahead.

Why this webinar’s important: All senior mental health leads are required to keep abreast of the latest changes in policy and approaches – and ensure that their knowledge and skills continue to provide them with the ability to plan for, implement and drive strategic change. It’s important, therefore, that senior mental health leads have access to up-to-date insight into the latest research and best practice as they progress their ongoing learning.