Secondary Religious Education: Ofsted’s Subject Report on the Quality of Education

Image of Stacey Burman
Stacey Burman Qualified assessor for the RE Quality Mark
Webinar 1hr 16min

This webinar will provide you with expert insight into Ofsted’s subject report on the quality of religious education (RE) in schools in England. Exploring the document’s recommendations for high-quality RE provision, it continues our series analysing Ofsted’s ongoing subject reports.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, teachers, teaching assistants

Aim: This webinar will provide you with expert insight into Ofsted’s subject report on the quality of religious education (RE) in schools in England. Exploring the document’s recommendations for high-quality RE provision, it continues our series analysing Ofsted’s ongoing subject reports.

Why this webinar’s important: On 17 April, Ofsted published its report on the quality of religious education, which evaluates common strengths and weaknesses in the schools inspected and considers the current challenges facing RE as a subject. The document highlights RE’s importance to pupils’ personal development: encouraging young people to consider the ways that diverse individuals and groups coexist in the world – as well as the beliefs, ideas and values that bind people and communities together.