Secondary History: Lesson-to-Lesson Sequencing and Adaptive Short-term Planning in Line with Teachers’ Standards

Image of Kyle Graham
Kyle Graham Assistant Headteacher for Teaching and Learning
Webinar 45min

This webinar will provide headteachers, school leaders and teachers with practical guidance on lesson-to-lesson sequencing and short-term planning for secondary history which is adaptive to the learning needs of groups and individuals identified in previous lessons, enhancing academic outcomes.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide headteachers, school leaders and teachers with practical guidance on lesson-to-lesson sequencing and short-term planning for secondary history which is adaptive to the learning needs of groups and individuals identified in previous lessons, enhancing academic outcomes.

Detailed lesson preparation builds on medium and long-term sequences. In addition to organising activities and planning resources, it provides an opportunity to evaluate learning over the previous day or days and adapt forthcoming lesson content to address gaps in knowledge and understanding, particularly beneficial given the impact of Covid-19 on teaching and learning.

In this webinar, Kyle Graham, Director of History and previous Head of Humanities and History at the King’s Leadership Academy, will provide practical advice on lesson sequencing and adaptive short-term planning which lead to successful and demonstrable learning over time, based on the latest subject- specific research and aligned with The Teachers’ Standards.