Maximising Use of School Grounds as Part of Hands-On Climate Education

Image of Matt Robinson
Matt Robinson Outdoor learning, play and school grounds expert
Webinar 28min

This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on developing a high-quality climate education in your setting, with a focus on using school grounds to take climate action locally, providing pupils with hands-on learning opportunities and preparing them to take forward knowledge and skills into their adult lives.

CPD Certified

For: Headteachers, senior leaders, teachers, practitioners and teaching assistants

Aim: This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on developing a high-quality climate education in your setting, with a focus on using school grounds to take climate action locally, providing pupils with hands-on learning opportunities and preparing them to take forward knowledge and skills into their adult lives.

Rationale: The DfE’s Sustainability and climate change strategy highlights the importance of providing pupils with practical opportunities to participate in activities so that they can “translate knowledge into positive action to improve their local communities, their country and the planet”.