School Attendance: Preparing for Inspection | Primary

Image of Adrian Gray
Adrian Gray School improvement consultant
Webinar 45min

This webinar provides expert insight into national, whole-year data on attendance and absence to support robust self-evaluation and strategic planning in primary settings, and help you prepare your stance on absence in readiness for an inspection.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, governors, trustees, teachers

Aim: This webinar provides expert insight into national, whole-year data on attendance and absence to support robust self-evaluation and strategic planning in primary settings, and help you prepare your stance on absence in readiness for an inspection.

Rationale: Many schools have been concerned about high levels of pupil absence this year, with official government figures showing persistent absenteeism to be over 24%. There is even more data accessible online than previously, which you can use to understand and add context to your own school’s performance.