Achieving Safeguarding Compliance in International Schools

Image of Evelyn Kerrigan Lebloch
Evelyn Kerrigan Lebloch Safeguarding and child protection specialist
Webinar 1hr

This webinar will explore how to comply with safeguarding regulations in international schools. It will examine ways to construct a safeguarding policy framework, highlighting essential stages in the process to meet safeguarding standards in an international school setting.

CPD Certified

For: School leaders, governors and directors

Aim: This webinar will explore how to comply with safeguarding regulations in international schools. It will examine ways to construct a safeguarding policy framework, highlighting essential stages in the process to meet safeguarding standards in an international school setting.

Rationale: Safeguarding, of course, is essential in all educational settings. For international schools, with a blend of cultures in the classroom and a mix of local pupils and boarders (often across multiple campuses), this obligation can brings its own set of unique additional challenges – so schools frequently benefit practical guidance on ensuring that they comply with International Child Safeguarding Standards, as well as the laws and legislation of their host territory.