RSHE Curriculum and Parental Engagement: How to Share Lesson Resources and Manage Feedback | Secondary Special Schools

Image of John Rees
John Rees National and international RSHE consultant and trainer
Webinar 1hr

This webinar explores schools’ obligation to share RSHE resources with parents and carers, and to consult with them about what is taught. It focuses on handling questions or objections, building understanding of when a child can be excused from RSHE lessons as a result of parental intervention.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, teachers 

Aim: This webinar explores schools’ obligation to share RSHE resources with parents and carers, and to consult with them about what is taught. It focuses on handling questions or objections, building understanding of when a child can be excused from RSHE lessons as a result of parental intervention. 

Why this webinar’s important: The Education Secretary recently reiterated that parents and carers can ask to see the RSHE curriculum resources being used to teach their children. The existing position is that schools should respond positively to such requests; consult parents on their relationships and sex education policy (including providing examples of resources they plan to use); and avoid working with organisations which don’t allow the sharing of resources with parents.