Recognising Emotional Vulnerability and Seeking Validation Online | Secondary

Image of Dr Rina Bajaj
Dr Rina Bajaj Counselling psychologist, chartered with the British Psychological Society
Webinar 49min

This webinar will provide senior leaders, designated safeguarding leads and teaching staff with practical advice and guidance on how to identify the signs of emotional vulnerability, and how to support young people in building their internal validation and resilience in a destigmatising way.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide senior leaders, designated safeguarding leads and teaching staff with practical advice and guidance on how to identify the signs of emotional vulnerability, and how to support young people in building their internal validation and resilience in a destigmatising way.

Adolescents seek approval, often from friends, to feel validated and good about themselves. With an artificially extended peer group available online, however – and a proliferation of sites and communities which promote self-harm, eating disorders or suicide, this quest for validation can lead young people into dangerous areas.

In this webinar Dr Rina Bajaj, counselling psychologist with almost 20 years’ experience of working with children, focuses on mental health and wellbeing and discusses the human need for belonging, outlines the normal processes of forming social connections, and highlights the risks associated with seeking online validity.