Understanding and Supporting Pupils with Down's Syndrome | Secondary

Image of Gillian Bird
Gillian Bird Services Director, DSA
Webinar 1hr 16min

This webinar will provide you with insight into Down’s Syndrome and explain how secondary schools can best nurture the development of young people with this condition through interaction and a range of activities.

CPD Certified

For: Headteachers, SENCOs, teachers, practitioners and teaching assistants

Aim: This webinar will provide you with insight into Down’s Syndrome and explain how secondary schools can best nurture the development of young people with this condition through interaction and a range of activities.

Rationale: The SEND code of practice: 0 - 25 years places a statutory duty on the governing bodies of schools, including non-maintained special schools, to have arrangements in place to support children with SEND, including a clear approach to identifying and responding to their needs.