Exploring Problem-Solving in Early Years Maths | Early Years

Dr Helen J Williams
Independent educational consultant specialising in primary maths


46 min

Rated 5 stars


This webinar will provide headteachers, mathematics leads, teachers and teaching assistants with practical guidance and methods they can use to nurture and develop pupils’ problem-solving skills in early years and KS1 mathematics.
CPD Certified
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Webinar Duration: 46 minutes (approx.)

This webinar will provide headteachers, mathematics leads, teachers and teaching assistants with practical guidance and methods they can use to nurture and develop pupils’ problem-solving skills in maths.

Problem-solving has long been at the heart of the mathematics curriculum. Teaching children how to problem solve in mathematics can support children’s ability to critically evaluate, encourage independence and develop their skills in reasoning and creativity. It is also an essential part of developing mastery of the subject.

In this webinar the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM), who aim to support the teaching and learning of mathematics in the UK, will explore strategies that schools can use to approach problem-solving in maths with the youngest pupils which are creative and engaging and reflect a better understanding of the needs of the learner.

Outcome 1:

Understanding how to introduce learning and problem solving in mathematics which supports children’s ability to problem solve and improve critical thinking skills.

Outcome 2:

Recognising successful techniques that can be used in the classroom which improve reasoning in mathematics.

Outcome 3:

Appreciating the importance of making maths problem-solving learning tailored towards the needs of children and ensuring continuous sharing and evaluation of different methods used.

Outcome 4:

Understanding what is meant by ‘problem-solving skills’ and how to nurture an environment which encourages curiosity and positive attitudes.

Outcome 5:

Building a culture which supports teaching and learning through playing and exploring, active learning and creative and critical thinking.

Dr Helen J Williams

Since 1994, Helen has been an independent educational consultant specialising in developing the teaching and learning of primary mathematics. In July 2014, she completed her doctorate with the University of Roehampton, London. She is interested in engaging all learners mathematically, and how we might nurture effective and supportive learning communities in classrooms in a current educational climate geared to high-stakes testing. Helen is passionate about all children being given opportunities to become confident mathematical thinkers, through the establishment of a classroom culture that nurtures curious learners.

Helen has taught children across the full primary range and has a particular interest and expertise in early years and KS1 mathematics. Her work involves researching and teaching mathematics alongside colleagues in school and contributing to in-service training courses and conferences. Helen is a long-term, active member of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM).