Primary English: Ofsted’s Subject Report on the Quality of Education

Image of Emma Rogers
Emma Rogers Experienced literacy and learning expert
Webinar 1hr 34min

This webinar will provide you with expert insight into Ofsted’s subject report on the quality of English teaching in schools in England. Exploring the report’s recommendations for high-quality English provision, it complements our subject-specific webinar on Ofsted’s research review series.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, teachers, teaching assistants 

Aim: This webinar will provide you with expert insight into Ofsted’s subject report on the quality of English teaching in schools in England. Exploring the report’s recommendations for high-quality English provision, it complements our subject-specific webinar on Ofsted’s research review series. 

Why this webinar’s important: On 5 March, Ofsted published its report on the quality of English education, which evaluates common strengths and weaknesses in the schools inspected and considers the challenges facing English as a subject. The document highlights English’s importance as an essential foundation of spoken language, so it is vital that schools consider Ofsted’s suggestions for improving and maintaining their English provision.