Primary Ancient Languages: Overcoming Barriers and Exploring Benefits

Image of Charlie Andrew
Charlie Andrew Classics consultant and trainer
Webinar 44min

This webinar will provide you with an expert insight into and discuss key findings from the DfE’s review of existing literature on Latin and Ancient Greek provision in primary schools, and also consider the benefits that teaching ancient languages can bring to students’ key cognitive skills.

CPD Certified

For: Teachers

Aim: This webinar will provide you with an expert insight into and discuss key findings from the DfE’s review of existing literature on Latin and Ancient Greek provision in primary schools, and also consider the benefits that teaching ancient languages can bring to students’ key cognitive skills.

Rationale: In November 2022, the DfE published a literature review into work they conducted with the University of Oxford which explored the teaching of Ancient Greek and Latin in primary schools in England. The review also assessed the availability of ancient languages provision in primary schools and reviewed the literature on the impact of the learning of these languages on pupils’ development and outcomes.