Ofsted Update: The Annual Report and Changes to Post-inspection Arrangements | Secondary

Image of Adrian Gray
Adrian Gray School improvement consultant
Webinar 1hr

This webinar will provide you with expert insight into the 2022/2023 annual report and the confirmed changes that are being made to the inspectorate’s post-inspection arrangements and complaints procedure.

CPD Certified

For: School leaders, teachers, governors and trustees 

Aim: This webinar will provide you with expert insight into the 2022/2023 annual report and the confirmed changes that are being made to the inspectorate’s post-inspection arrangements and complaints procedure. 

Why this webinar’s important: In November 2023, Ofsted published its annual report for 2022/2023 and also released a response to its consultation on post-inspection arrangements and complaints that ran between June and September. It’s important for schools to keep up-to-date with announcements and publications from Ofsted. In this webinar, expert Adrian Gray will explore what the report and consultation response mean for schools.