Preparing Autistic Pupils for Transition to Adult Life | Post 16

Image of Jane Coburn
Jane Coburn Neurodiversity consultant and coach
Webinar 45min

This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, career leaders, SENCOs, teachers and practitioners with advice and practical guidance on helping students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) prepare for the changes which adult life brings.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, career leaders, SENCOs, teachers and practitioners with advice and practical guidance on helping students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) prepare for the changes which adult life brings.

The transition from childhood to adult life and independence represents a huge life change for all young people, and particularly for students with ASD who may also face broad-ranging challenges associated with the disorder, including communication difficulties, sensory issues and anxiety, though there is a high variation in individual need.

In this webinar, Jane Coburn, consultant and coach who is passionate about promoting understanding of and supporting neurodiversity, explains how post-16 settings can help students with ASD to manage change and move towards independence.