Child on Child Abuse Online: Prevention and Response in a Digital World

Image of Jonathan Taylor
Jonathan Taylor Online safety, social media and online grooming expert
Webinar 56min

This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, DSLs and teaching staff with an understanding of and practical insight into peer on peer abuse online and how to develop measures to prevent, react and respond to incidents in line with statutory safeguarding guidance.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide headteachers, senior leaders, DSLs and teaching staff with an understanding of and practical insight into peer on peer abuse online and how to develop measures to prevent, react and respond to incidents in line with statutory safeguarding guidance.

It is a statutory requirement under ‘Keeping children safe in education’ that all staff understand the importance of challenging inappropriate behaviours between peers and are clear about their school or college's policy and procedures with regard to peer-on-peer abuse. This includes abuse between peers such as cyberbullying, online sexual abuse and sending nudes.

In this webinar, international online safety expert and former Covert Internet Investigator, Jonathan Taylor, explains exactly how and why peer-on-peer abuse develops online, how schools and colleges can respond to concerns of abuse between pupils and prevention strategies to help keep children and young people safe online.