Online Safety for Governors: Your Role and Responsibilities | Primary

Image of Ella Savell-Boss
Ella Savell-Boss International safeguarding trainer
Webinar 47min

This webinar will provide governors with an understanding of their role and responsibilities with respect to meeting their DfE statutory online safeguarding requirements and working with their school to implement effective measures to keep children safe online.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide governors with an understanding of their role and responsibilities with respect to meeting their DfE statutory online safeguarding requirements and working with their school to implement effective measures to keep children safe online.

The Keeping children safe in education guidance states that “governing bodies and proprietors should ensure online safety is a running and interrelated theme whilst devising and implementing their whole school or college approach to safeguarding and related policies and procedures”. This reflects a subtle change in wording from the current guidance, placing a more direct responsibility on govenors to take ownership of safeguarding children online.

In this webinar, Ella Savell-Boss, international safeguarding trainer and former safeguarding leader with extensive experience of working with schools, discusses the role of the governing body in online safety, how governors can meet DfE expectations and where to look for guidance and support.