Creatively Embedding Online Safety into Curriculum Planning | Primary

Image of Heather Cardwell
Heather Cardwell Senior leader and practising online safety lead
Webinar 56min

This webinar will provide headteachers, online safety leads, curriculum leads and all teaching staff with practical guidance and advice on planning and creatively delivering online safety education as part of their wider curriculum planning for the 2021/22 academic year.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide headteachers, online safety leads, curriculum leads and all teaching staff with practical guidance and advice on planning and creatively delivering online safety education as part of their wider curriculum planning for the 2021/22 academic year.

Both the proposed Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) statutory guidance and the Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education (RSHE) curriculum guidance address the importance of teaching online safety as part of a broad and balanced curriculum. Schools should ensure online safety is taught across every subject and teachers are given the appropriate support.

In this webinar, experienced online safety lead and acting assistant head, Heather Cardwell discusses how to embed online safety learning in schools through an innovative and imaginative approach to curriculum planning across all subjects, focusing on key areas and engaging the whole-school community.