Online Grooming: Prevention, Intervention and Responding to Current Risks | Independent Preparatory Schools

Image of Gabriella Russo
Gabriella Russo Independent safeguarding trainer and consultant
Webinar 1hr 1min

This webinar will provide you with expert guidance on preventing, recognising and responding to incidents of online grooming. It will explain the legal background, expose grooming techniques and identify the steps that independent preparatory schools and parents can take to protect children and young people from this predatory and pernicious behaviour.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, governors, trustees, teachers, teaching assistants

Aim: This webinar will provide you with expert guidance on preventing, recognising and responding to incidents of online grooming. It will explain the legal background, expose grooming techniques and identify the steps that independent preparatory schools and parents can take to protect children and young people from this predatory and pernicious behaviour.

Why is this webinar important? The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) reports that 34,000 online grooming crimes have been recorded by UK Police since 2017. The sheer scale of the problem underlines the urgent need for schools to educate staff and parents, mitigate risks and provide effective support where cases of online grooming arise.