Get Ready for the Ofsted Safeguarding and Alternative Provision Meeting | Secondary

Image of Wendy Adeniji
Wendy Adeniji School principal, teacher, inspector and author
Webinar 55min

This webinar will help you prepare for the Ofsted safeguarding and alternative provision meeting by providing expert insight into the types of questions you may be asked, offering a selection of model answers, and identifying relevant data and documents which Ofsted may request.

CPD Certified

For: Headteachers, senior leaders, governors and trustees

Aim: This webinar will help you prepare for the Ofsted safeguarding and alternative provision meeting by providing expert insight into the types of questions you may be asked, offering a selection of model answers, and identifying relevant data and documents which Ofsted may request.

Rationale: Ofsted’s Education inspection framework sets out criteria for the judgement of leadership and management, which includes that “those with responsibility for governance ensure that the provider fulfils its statutory duties”, including those relating to safeguarding, and that the provider “has a culture of safeguarding” that supports effective arrangements.