Ofsted’s Big Listen: Supporting Pupils to Amplify their Voice

Image of John Rees
John Rees National and international RSHE consultant and trainer
Webinar 18min

This webinar will provide expert advice on supporting the children in your school or setting to engage with Ofsted’s ‘Big Listen’, as the consultation has now been extended to include the views of schoolchildren themselves. It will explore how direct input from children and young people could affect the dynamic of this far-reaching survey and how teachers might empower children to express their views.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, teachers, teaching assistants 

Aim: This webinar will provide expert advice on supporting the children in your school or setting to engage with Ofsted’s ‘Big Listen’, as the consultation has now been extended to include the views of schoolchildren themselves. It will explore how direct input from children and young people could affect the dynamic of this far-reaching survey and how teachers might empower children to express their views. 

Why this webinar’s important: The Big Listen is intended to help improve Ofsted’s practices and inform its future thinking by canvassing the opinions of key stakeholders such as education professionals, social care practitioners and children’s families. On 21 March, the consultation phase for children was announced – with Ofsted holding focus groups and launching an online process through which children and young people can have their say anonymously.