KCSIE 2023: Statutory Safeguarding Priorities for the Academic Year 2023/24 | Primary Special Schools

Image of Frances Akinde
Frances Akinde SEND adviser, art advocate and neurodiversity champion
Webinar 1hr 7min

This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on ensuring that your safeguarding provision aligns with the DfE’s updated statutory guidance, ’Keeping children safe in education 2023’, which comes into effect from 1 September 2023. It will help you mitigate risks and address concerns which are specific to primary special settings, for example, safeguarding children with SEND who might be deemed particularly vulnerable to harm.

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, governors, trustees, teachers, support staff

Aim: This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on ensuring that your safeguarding provision aligns with the DfE’s updated statutory guidance, ’Keeping children safe in education 2023’, which comes into effect from 1 September 2023. It will help you mitigate risks and address concerns which are specific to primary special settings, for example, safeguarding children with SEND who might be deemed particularly vulnerable to harm.

Why this webinar’s important: On 6 June 2023, the DfE published an updated version of ‘Keeping children safe in education’, which establishes schools' and education settings' legal duties with respect to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, including the responsibilities of governing bodies, designated safeguarding leads and all staff.