Neurodiversity in Early Years: Recognising Signs and Enhancing Support

Image of Catrina Lowri
Catrina Lowri Creator of Neuroteachers resources
Webinar 46min

This webinar will provide headteachers, managers, SENCOs, teachers and practitioners with advice and practical guidance on recognising and supporting neurodivergent learners in early years in a way which accepts and celebrates difference and helps them achieve their full potential.

CPD Certified

This webinar will provide headteachers, managers, SENCOs, teachers and practitioners with advice and practical guidance on recognising and supporting neurodivergent learners in early years in a way which accepts and celebrates difference and helps them achieve their full potential.

The statutory guidance ‘Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years’ describes early action to address identified needs as ‘critical to the future progress and improved outcomes that are essential in helping the child to prepare for adult life’.

In this webinar, Catrina Lowri, qualified special needs teacher, experienced SENCO, and creator of Neuroteachers resources, provides expert insight into the different types of neurodiversity, how the conditions might manifest themselves in the classroom, and identifies the actions early years practitioners should take to initiate appropriate support and intervention.