How to Monitor Compliance Across Your Multi-Academy Trust

Image of Christine Bayliss
Christine Bayliss Education consultant in project management, governance and communications
Webinar 53min

This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on establishing effective systems for oversight and management of compliance across the schools within your multi-academy trust (MAT).

CPD Certified

For: Leaders and trustees

Aim: This webinar will provide you with advice and practical guidance on establishing effective systems for oversight and management of compliance across the schools within your multi-academy trust (MAT).

Rationale: MATs are required to comply with a myriad of rules and regulations, from estate management through food safety to ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum. Although keeping tabs on whether every regulation or requirement has been met across your MAT might seem an impossible task, trustees are accountable in law for ensuring compliance so a practicable solution must be found.