Maximising School Attendance: Practical Steps for Adhering to Updated Statutory Guidelines | Secondary

Image of Adrian Gray
Adrian Gray School improvement consultant
Webinar 1hr

This webinar will offer expert advice on developing your school’s attendance strategy to align with the updated statutory government guidance ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ (which comes into force from 19 August 2024).

CPD Certified

For: Leaders, governors and trustees

Aim: This webinar will offer expert advice on developing your school’s attendance strategy to align with the updated statutory government guidance ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ (which comes into force from 19 August 2024).

Why this webinar’s important: With student absence continuing to be a concern, the government has issued a comprehensive update of its guidance on improving attendance. It is imperative that schools are aware of the key points covered by these updates and know their statutory duties and responsibilities. Focusing on the practicalities of achieving alignment, this webinar will explore ways to work more closely with parents; outline useful changes to school policies; and consider the potential changes that the updated guidance will mean for schools.