Maths Manipulatives: Visualising Abstract Concepts through Hands-On Learning | Independent Preparatory Schools

Image of Kieran Mackle
Kieran Mackle Primary mathematics specialist
Webinar 55min

This webinar will showcase innovative methods to utilise maths manipulatives that empower teachers to enhance pupils’ attainment in maths. The key focus will be on contextualising maths concepts using easily accessible, physical classroom tools.

CPD Certified

For: Teachers and teaching assistants

Aim: This webinar will showcase innovative methods to utilise maths manipulatives that empower teachers to enhance pupils’ attainment in maths. The key focus will be on contextualising maths concepts using easily accessible, physical classroom tools. 

Why this webinar’s important: Recent reports indicate that pupils’ attainment in maths is declining, making it more important than ever for schools to implement effective measures to support pupils with maths. Using manipulatives is one way to help to increase attainment by contextualising maths problems